April is Fire Extinguisher Training Month

SAFETY TOPIC: If you think you can safely get the fire out within a minute, use these steps to operate a fire extinguisher.  They all operate in a similar manner. Remember the acronym for the fire extinguisher use: PASS (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep).

PULL THE PIN - Break the seal and test extinguisher

AIM AT THE BASE OF THE FIRE - ensure that you have a means of escape.

SQUEEZE THE HANDLE - To operate extinguisher and discharge the agent.

SWEEP FROM SIDE TO SIDE - Completely extinguish the fire.

Watch safety video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4jHpHoYZhk

SUPERVISORS: Demonstrate Proper Use of Fire Extinguisher

REFERENCE: WAC 296-800-30025


SAFETY MEETING QUESTION (answer required as attendance at this Safety Meeting): What is the acronym to remember how to use a fire extinguisher?

Text this answer to your supervisor if participating in text safety meetings.

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